Community Facility Survey

You have the opportunity to give Council feedback on a selection of parks and facilities including Moona Moona Creek Reserve and White Sands Park (plus others around the Shoalhaven) – until 5pm 12th June.
If you want to make more than one comment click on the link again to start over.

    SCC and State Planning documents for comment

    • Shoalhaven City Council is reviewing its Community Infrastructure Strategic Plan2017 – 2036 (CISP). Once adopted, the revised CISP will guide Council’s decisions on open space and community facilities across the Shoalhaven. 
      The community survey is open to all members of the public and is available on Council’s CISP Review Get Involved page You can also access the community survey by clicking on the link below: COMPLETE COMMUNITYSURVEY
      The survey will remain open for responses until 5pm,Wednesday 12th June 2024. Please note, survey responses will be de-identified, and names and contact details will not be published. 
      Have you say now!!

          Kind Regards,
          Committee HWCV
          Date: 5/6/2024

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