Bi-Weekly – email update 24/10/2020

Here is a quick update regarding matters that have come up since our last email update (7 October), and information that has been sent through to us from Council.

Update from last meeting

On 12 October the Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice held its first General meeting since COVID started. The minutes from this meeting are attached and can be found on our website.  AGM minutes. General Meeting minutes.
The General meeting was followed by our AGM where we farewell-ed Sue Smith as Chair of the Voice, and Steven Murphy as Public Officer. The new committee for the Voice is:
Chair – rotating chair from committee
Secretary – Penny Davidson
Treasurer – Jason Andre
Website and IT – Tony Lim
Rachel Marsden – Public Officer
Nigel Marsden
Sixteen members attended our meeting, and we were pleased to have Councillor Jo Gash (one of our Ward 2 Councillors) attend the meetings.

Note: Our next meeting will be Monday 9th November, starting 7pm, Huskisson Community Centre, Dent St, Huskisson.

  • We are looking for volunteers to do interviews for the Bay and Basin Community Strategic Plan
  • The critical stage of the Bay & Basin Community Strategic Plan project is about to start – talking to the community to ask them what they want! The project aims to collect the Bay & Basin community’s vision, values and priorities for this area. These will be presented to Council to integrate into their planning processes, and be used to lobby for funding initiatives outside the normal government funding pathways
  • Can you help collect this information? This would involve staffing a table on Owen St, Huskisson, helping people fill out a short survey, for 2 hours on one of the following days:
    • Wednesday 4 & 18 November
    • Saturday 7 & 14 November
    • If you can help, contact:
    • Penny on 0408 672 087,

SCC Planning documents for comment

  • Comment is still being collected on Hyams Beach short and long term parking options. Comment closes 2nd November.
  • Council is seeking feedback on the management of Collingwood Beach vegetation.
    Two trial study sites have been used to assess a recommended framework for the restoration and management of the Collingwood Beach dune vegetation system.
    Survey closes 30th October.
  • Council are currently reviewing the Generic Plans of Management for Parks, Sportsgrounds and General Community Use Reserves due to the recent Crown Land legislation changes.  The review entails updating the Plans to incorporate Crown Land that has been classified Community Land and categorised either Park, Sportsground or General Community Use.  Feedback from the community is sought, survey closes 13th November. (currently for Ulladulla and Berry)

Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia

  • CD20/1513, Demolition of Dwelling & Outbuildings,15 Fegen St, HUSKISSON, Submitted 28-Sep-20
  • CD20/1515, Demolition of Dwelling & Outbuildings,17 Fegen St, HUSKISSON, Submitted 28-Sep-20
  • DA20/2009, Commercial Additions – Extension To Existing & New Building,12 Erina Rd, HUSKISSON, Submitted 30-Sep-20
  • DA20/2105, Demolition of Dwelling, Outbuildings, Hardstand Areas, Trees and Shrubs, 3 Jervis St, HUSKISSON, Submitted: 21/10/2020,
  • SF10843, Two (2) Lot Torrens Title Subdivision, 13 Seasongood Rd, WOOLLAMIA, Submitted 12 Oct 2020.


  • DA20/1774, Detached Shed, 605 Woollamia Rd  WOOLLAMIA, Approved

Click here to access SCC’s DA Tracking


  • About Magazine deadline for the December edition is 4 November 2020.
  • Elite Energy have provided the following information regarding road closures during the Little Husky Triathlon, to be held Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November.   People interested in volunteering can nominate on their website.
    Due to NSW Health Orders (COVID-19) and more importantly, how busy Husky is at the moment, we (Elite Energy) have cancelled some of the events and moved some to ensure there is minimum impact on the main street and non-triathlon visitation.
    There are two very short triathlons running concurrently on Saturday morning commencing at 6.15am (instead of 7.30am) and these events will cycle around behind the shops and along Huskisson Rd to Jervis Bay Rd and return. This will keep the Owen Street, Woollamia Rd and the Industrial Estate opened and all riders will be off the road by 8.30 am.
    Sunday’s event also starting at 6.15am, will be down the main street and along Woollamia Rd with only two shorter triathlons (1 lap and 2 laps of Woollamia Rd), we should be off the roads by 9.00 am.
    As per (current) NSW health orders, all events have been reduced to under 500 participants and volunteers.

  • Free Financial counselling is available for small businesses effected by the bushfires or COVID
  • Australia Day awards – calling for nominations
  • Community resilience information sessions
  • Federal member information
  • State member information

Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 24/10/2020

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