Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
8th November 2021 – 8:10 pm
Community Centre, Dent Street Huskisson
- Apologies:
Jan Bruck, Evan Christen, Sue Smith, Eddie Smith, Roger Hart, Mark Wareham, Tim Peach
Attendance: 13 - Accepted minutes from previous AGM 12 October 2020
Moved Jo Warren , Seconded Jason Andre that Minutes from the AGM 12 October 2020 be
Motion passed. - Appointment of returning Officer:
Peter Dooley was appointed.
Moved/Seconded: Tony Lim / Kate Broadhurst. Appointed unanimously. - Chairperson’s report:
Chair, Nigel Marsden thanked the outgoing committee, and Voice membership for the past years
Jason Andre was thanked for representing the Voice on the Bay and Basin Community Strategic Plan
process – which has been a process lasting well over a year.
The Voice has requested that Council pursue the maintenance of the Telstra infrastructure, and has
continued to contact Council about matters of concern including 4 Murdoch St development,
erosion of Currambene Creek. The Voice participated in the Huskisson Heritage Day, and been active
with regard to proposed cruise ships in Jervis Bay.
Moved/Seconded: Jo Warren / Tony Lim. Report accepted. - Treasurer’s report:
Read by Jason Andre
Moved / Seconded Jo Warren / Rachel Marsden - Election of Office Bearers:
Peter Dooley took the Chair for the election of 2021-2022 committee members.
Peter thanked the outgoing committee for their efforts.
He noted that the strength of a community is having effective and vibrant voices for visions, this is
an effective group – sincere thanks.
Declared all positions vacant.
The following were appointed unopposed:
a. Chairperson: no nominees
Motion: In the absence of a permanent chair the Voice will have a rotating chair.
Public Officer: Rachel Marsden
b. Secretary: Penny Davidson
c. Treasurer: Rachel Marsden
d. General Committee:
Tony Lim
Jo Warren
Shirley Fitzgerald
Walter Salmon
Amy Hollis – pending agreement
Moved that all positions be filled as nominated, Tony Lim, Seconded Kate
Broadhurst. Unanimous support.
Meeting closed at: 8:30
Next AGM will be held in October 2022
PO Box 65,
NSW 2540
Tel: 0419 483 297