Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice – Minutes
General Meeting – Monday 14 February 2022, 7pm
Huskisson Community Centre
Chair: Jo Warren
Attendance: 12
- Acknowledgement of Traditional owners
- Chair acknowledged traditional owners and elders past and present.
- Welcome and apologies:
- Chair Jo Warren accepted apologies.
- Apologies: Jan Bruck, Evan Christen, Sue Smith, Eddie Smith, Roger Hart, John Levett, Leslie Lockwood, Rachel Marsden
- Previous Minutes:
- Moved Walter Salman, Seconded Tim Peach that Minutes from the meeting 8 November 2021 be accepted.
- Motion passed.
- Business arising
- Street tree Plan – no response to our query as to how to get a street tree plan.
- Carparking in Huskisson – Council are currently taking a holistic view, will consult after Councillors briefed.
- Motion: Voice write to Council emphasising that the community would like a plan that considers the breadth of solutions so far offered and rejects a simplistic 5 storey carpark, and that the final outcome will maintain the current village character of Huskisson.
- In addition, the Voice requests that community consultation occurs during the process of planning and not as an add-on after the plan has been developed, when there is very little real opportunity to reject or modify the plan. In this instance we acknowledge that some community has been received to date, but not on a holistic plan for Huskisson.
- Moved: Penny Davidson
- Seconded: Jo Warren
- Wildlife safety on highway upgrade – the Shoalhaven Wildlife Stations is coordinating a group to lobby TfNSW to incorporate wildlife connectivity features into the highway upgrade to Ulladulla.
- Woollamia road speed – Walter Salmon has spoken to Sergeant Mick Tevitt, matter or speed and over-weight vehicle signage is now on record and being looked at. Greg Watson is taking matter to Traffic discussion group (1st Tuesday of month).
- Treasurer’s report:
- Download Report
- Balance: $1752. 11
- Moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted Mark Wareham, seconded Walter Salmon.
- Correspondence /Outstanding Correspondence
- Correspondence Out
- Support letter re Sanctuary Point Library to Council funding project
- Request damaged sign be repaired or removed – Moona Moona Creek ReserveThank You to Kay Murray
- Correspondence In
- Planning underway for some planning in Holiday Haven, unable to share at this stage.
- Explanation of planning process from Development re 44 Duncan St objection.
- Motion: The Voice request Council to commit to undertaking a character overlay on the LEP for Huskisson Woollamia, to be one in consultation with the local community.
- Moved: Penny Davidson Seconded: Camilla Hamilford
- Note: when the opportunity to comment on budget arises we include this action.
- Correspondence Out
- Clean up Australia Day
- Keep Jervis Bay Unspoilt / Jervis Bay Community CruiseShip Coalition has applied for a clean up event at Huskisson Beach. Might also register in other places where the litter tends to be worse.
- Will be promoted on Facebook, Instagram and through Voice emails.
- Please join in, and tell friends.
- Thank you to Paul Sutton for his hard working in organising this event in previous years.
- Camilla will explore the Cleanest Beach awards.
- Cruiseships in JB
- Port Authority have written that ‘there are no current plans, proposals or strategies to expand regional cruise in Jervis Bay’ but that they support DPI leading a thorough (cruise ship) risk assessment in marine parks. In other words – nothing has changed – they are supporting the inclusion of cruise ships in marine parks (if one park allows cruise ships they likely all will). Collection of signatures for the Parliamentary petition is ongoing – Shelley Hancock will present.
- Additional effort of writing to ministers and local member is requested.
- Goal: to have cruiseship completely removed from the draft marine park management plan, and to improve protection and resourcing for the marine park.
- Amy is preparing an online petition.
- Information at:
- Keep Jervis Bay Unspoilt Facebook
- Murdoch St update
- An amendment to the DA has been submitted DS22/1032.
- Please review the amendments if you have time. (New information: Comments on the amendment will be accepted up until 31 March).
- Huskisson Heritage Association
- The HHA welcomes all to join their presence outside church (every Sat morning 10 to 12) for a coffee and a chat/update.
- UPDATE: The Heritage Office has still made no ruling on Council’s application to “scrape” suspected grave sites.
- An expert Ground Penetrating Radar dated March 2021 stated The survey has located seventy-three areas of disturbed soil most likely to be associated with unmarked grave shafts and/or funerary urn burials.
- This was challenged and Council resolved in May 2021 to apply to the State Heritage Office for an Excavation Permit to allow “scraping”. The Indigenous community has made it clear to Local, State and Federal Governments that it does not want any of the burial sites disturbed. The HHA also opposes this action.
- The HHA AGM will be held 21st Feb, 7pm, Huskisson Community Centre.Community and HHA are becoming concerned about state of the church. The church is in poor condition and it would be useful if concerned community wrote to the owner requesting that the building be maintained.More information can be found at:
- Roundabout Owen and Sydney Streets Council is seeking feedback on a proposed roundabout plan – the details will be emailed by tomorrow morning. Comment by 22 February.
- Possible guest speakers to meetings
Ideas sought for possible guest speakers to meetings * Marine rescue - Other Business
- Snap Send Solve is an app which allows people to take a photo of council related items of concern and automatically send to council.
- Isis queried whether there was a calendar of special events for this area, and whether funding was available to hold events. There seems to be a lack of activities for engagement / hard to find information.
- Jo suggested contacting the Bay and Basin Community Resources at Sanctuary Point.
- Jo to look at calendar and talk to them.??? Put calendar on noticeboard??
Meeting closed at 8:36pm.
Next meeting: 7:00pm Monday 6th June 2022 at the Huskisson Community Centre.