You will probably be aware that the Voice has two remaining meetings for 2021: 11th October and 8th November.
Due to uncertainty around COVID conditions we have decided to cancel the October meeting. We currently plan to hold the November meeting – hopefully face-to-face.
The Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice AGM will now be held following the 8th November 2021 general meeting.
The AGM is a time to bring new people on to the committee.
Outside of specific roles, this isn’t a huge commitment. We usually have 2 committee meetings a year; and perhaps 2 emails a month where you will be asked to approve, or give an opinion on a matter that needs to be decided in between general meetings.
It’s a great way to stay in touch with what is happening in our area; and it would be great to have some new people on the committee!
Have a think about it; any questions email us or call Penny on 0408 672 087
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 20/9/2021