Apologies for the length of time between up dates!
Our next meeting will be held 29 April, 7pm, Huskisson Community Centre.
Request from Our Future Shoalhaven:
Our Future Shoalhaven/Keep Jervis Bay Unspoilt have endorsed a new project to look at regulation of jetski use in Jervis Bay. As part of the initial stages of this project they would like to collect experiences from community members regarding jetski usage in the bay over the last five years. Queries to Anna at jetskiame@gmail.com
More information.
URGENT: NAIDOC nominations close today.
Council services and opening times over Easter.
Updates from last meeting
- The HWCV gave a deputation to Council supporting staff response to the State proposed planning reforms.
SCC and State Planning documents for comment
- Reducing Flooding risk
- We wish to advise you that Shoalhaven City Council will be undertaking work to improve accessibility at Shark Net Beach Huskisson from 20 March 2024.
- Works will take place at White Sands Park Huskisson (off Hawke Street and Bowen Street) and involve the construction of a pedestrian beach access ramp approximately 17 meters in length from the grassed foreshore reserve to the beach. The program of work will be executed under conditions of the Department of Primary Industries Marine Park Permit for Jervis Bay Marine Park, MEAA23/285.
Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia
- DA24/1126, Dwelling Alterations & Additions, 9 Waddell St, Huskisson
- PCD24/1083, Mezzanine Office, 34 Duranbah Dr, Huskisson
- PCD24/1105, Dwelling alterations and additions 15 Duncan St, Huskisson.
- MA24/1047 Amendments and removal of condition 11. 770 Woollamia Rd, Woollamia
- MA24/1067 Modification of building envelope, 1 Seasongood Rd, Woollamia
- PCD24/1074, construction of colourbond farm shed,15 Fairfax Rd, Woollamia
Link to Documents on Exhibition
Events / Other
- Ulladulla Tricks and Laughs Festival 20th April
- Huskisson Vincentia Football Club – do you have time to get involved?
- Council responsible dog ownership campaign – hints and help
- About magazine cut off date 3rd April
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 25/3/2024