Bi-Weekly – Email update 26 Sept 2021

Here is an update regarding Voice activities and information sent through from Council:

Update from last meeting:

  • You may have noticed new trees on Hawke St – thanks to Kay Murray from Council who organised the removal of poorly pruned trees, to be replaced by the ‘Water gums’. If you like what’s been done – let Council / Kay know, a thank you is always appreciated – email:
  • Mark Asper from Greenwell Point has asked the CCBs for support in lobbying the Council to pay for dog tidy bags in the Shoalhaven. The Voice has given its support.
  • The council is setting up an Information Hub for general use, and emergency use at the Huskisson Community Centre. Three Huskisson-Woollamia residents have attended a webinar as a preliminary step to being part of the Huskisson Information team – thank you Amy, Elizabeth, and Alison.
  • Bawley Point community has asked the CCBs for support in opposing a planning proposal to allow a 5000 person conference centre on land zoned RU2. The Voice has written to council expressing concern about the precedence that approval would set.
  • The Voice has written to council supporting the current location of Marine Rescue.
  • The Voice talked to the Precinct Manager for White Sands Park, Owen Sims, who said that gardening work in White Sands has been done to remove weeds. We’ve emailed asking for a copy of the management goals and plans for the park.
  • We’ve noticed that 59 Owen St has $2,000,000 allocated to it for the years 2023-2025. We’ve asked Council to provide us with the plans for this community land.
  • We have put in an application to Council for $500 support funding.
  • The Voice met with Phil Critchley, Senior Engineer for SCC – a summary of discussions is attached.

SCC Planning documents for comment

  • The NSW State Government plans to ‘withdraw proposed infrastructure contribution rule changes from Parliament which could see the nature of these important contributions change. These contributions by developers help fund critical local infrastructure works associated with new developments where appropriate.‘  Our Council is deeply concernedabout these changes as the loss of this funding source shifts the funding burden to existing rate payers.
    We’ll contact Council for advice on how best to support them – or you might contact our local member Shelley Hancock (who is also Minister for Local Government) to ask for further detail and express your concern – .
  • Other matters you might like to check out see:
    Get Involved

    Major projects and works

    Community engagement opportunities through Community Voices (found on the Council website under Events and Awards)

Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia

  • DA21/2053, Dual occupancy and Torrens Subdivision, 16 Beecroft St, HUSKISSON, 6-Sep-21, $850,000.00
  • SF10892, Strata Subdivision – 3 Lots, 13 Berry St, HUSKISSON, 8-Sep-21, $20,000.00
  • DA21/2061, Alterations and additions to industrial development and change of use to Artisan Food and Drink Industry with ancillary Caretaker’s Flat, 17 Duranbah Dr, HUSKISSON, 8-Sep-21, $80,000.00
  • DA21/2067, Construct a second storey, complete alterations to garage/studio. Landscaping works and an inground swimming pool, 7 Tomerong St, HUSKISSON, 8-Sep-21, $745,000.00
  • DA21/2095, Detached Garage, 8 Calala St, HUSKISSON, 14-Sep-21, $25,920.00
  • DA21/2085, Proposed additions to dwelling and use as Bed and Breakfast Accommodation, 17 Seasongood Rd, WOOLLAMIA, 13-Sep-21, $91,000.00

Click here to access SCC’s DA Tracking

Events/ Other

  • Cat survey: NSW RSPCA invites people to complete a survey on cats, and how companion cats can be looked after in a way that protects wildlife.
  • Black Summer Bushfire Grants program closing date has been extended to 5pm October 6th 2021.
  • Update from Jervis Bay Community Cruiseship Coalition – an overview of what JBCCC has been doing, and where they are up to is attached.  Please note, the Draft Marine Park Network Management Plan, which is expected to ‘open the door’ to cruise ships in Jervis Bay still has not been released for public consultation.
  • About magazine cut-off dates: 6th October, and then 3rd November 2021.

Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 26/9/2021

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