Bi-Weekly – email update 22 Jan 2021

We’re back to sending out regular emails (every 1 to 2 weeks) with information that Council has asked us to share with the community; as well as giving updates on recent Voice activities. We hope you find this useful.

Our first meeting for 2021 will be held on Monday 8th February, starting at 7pm, Huskisson Community Hall, Dent St, Huskisson.
All are welcome. We will still be following COVID safe rules.  Feel free to wear a mask. Also let us know if there is something you would like to raise at the meeting.

Update  / what we’ve been up to

  • We have let Council know that the Huskisson-Woollamia community is in favour of an upgrade of the mangrove boardwalk.
  • You may remember that the Voice was successful in receiving grant money to build an adult change room to make our public toilets more accessible. This money needs to be spent in conjunction with Council works, and to this end the change room has been located at Plantation Point. Recently we have asked the grant body permission to use the money for shading of the new playground and facilities there.
  • In response to a motion on notice put by Councillor Wells the Voice emailed the Mayor and Councillors requesting that a review of DA community consultation process be undertaken before changes to the process were made. Several CCBs contacted Council expressing concern with the original motion. The motion was amended prior to the meeting to ‘call for a report on the operation of the DA Tracker’.
  • It appears that the Woollamia reserve of concern late last year will NOT be having a plan of management prepared for it. We asked Council for copies of documents relating to previous decisions on its management, but have been advised it may be more efficient to ask that its management be reviewed.  The matter will be discussed at the February 8th meeting.
  • A member raised concern that public toilets did not contain soap; Council has responded that due to vandalism and theft it is impractical to provide soap and hand drying facilities. They encourage self sufficiency in this matter. Letter from Council.

SCC Planning documents for comment

  • Proposed land use change to 48 Jervis Bay Rd to allow 14 Lot Community Title subdivision. Comment by 5th February.  Please note we have taken a cursory look at this and our biggest concern is where the access road joins an already busy Jervis Bay Rd – please take a look if you have an interest in this site.
  • Proposed parking restrictions at Tallyan Pt Rd, St Georges Basin. Comment by 5th February 2021. Further information.
  • Feedback on public transport in the Greater Nowra area by 5th February 2021.  More information.
  • A proposal for a West Culburra Mixed Use Subdivision, which is classed as a state significant development, is currently on exhibition. Comment due by 26 Feb 2021.
  • The Bay and Basin is currently preparing a community led strategic plan. A first community consultation has finished – results here. Comments welcome – reply to this email. The next step is to prepare and distribute a second survey to be launched in mid-February.
  • NSW DPIE wants people to complete a survey on how you value and use your local waterways. More information. This survey closes 26 February 2021.

Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia

  • DA21/1054, Demolition of existing concrete batching plant, 8 Duranbah Dr, Huskisson, submitted 25 Jan 2021.
  • DA21/1060, Alterations and additions to Huskisson Bowling Club, 336 Huskisson Rd, Huskisson, Submitted 27 Jan 2021


  • DA20/1588, Multi-Unit Development – Four Units & Demolition of Existing Dwelling, $1,543,784.00, 10 Morton St, HUSKISSON, Approved 21 Jan 2021
  • DA20/2009, Commercial Building & Extension to Existing Laundrette, $100,000.00. 12 Erina Rd, HUSKISSON, Approved 19 Jan 2021
  • DA20/2262, Change of Use to Artisan Food & Drink Industry – Unit 8, 5 Erina Rd, HUSKISSON, Approved 14 Jan 2021

Click here to access SCC’s DA Tracking


  • Birdlife Shoalhaven magazine
  • Thoughts from Bill Hancock regarding development in the Shoalhaven and location of the hospital.
  • Funding opportunities for not-for-profit groups – Veolia Mulwaree Trust – closes 18 February 2021.
  • Tabourie CCB have renewed a request to Council that a session/day explaining DCPs and DAs be held.  Some specific questions to be answered might be as attached.
  • Vincentia community recently met with the developers and councillors regarding a proposal to build a hotel in Vincentia.  The majority attending the meeting agreed that the hotel would be of benefit but there was concern about the loss of 50 parking spaces, the proposed height, and that the bistro facilities will only be available to guests due to limited car spaces.
  • Some properties in Huskisson have had a flyer put in their letter box advertising 44 Duncan St style developments. The development approval for 44 Duncan St (17 units on a house block zoned R3) caused a lot of distress in the community, but strangely the flyers seem to have been delivered at random to R2 properties and R3 properties. Feel free to let us know if you have received one of these flyers.
  • Cut-off date for March edition of the About magazine is 3rd FebruaryAll contributions related to Articles and Community News  should be sent to:
  • All Advertising related correspondence should be sent to:
  • Shoalhaven Waste Services newsletter  (note they have a small survey happening, see ReNewsable) – ReNewsable,
  • Community Recycling Centres
  • Shoalhaven Recycling calendar

If there are links, or any information, in this newsletter which you can’t access please let us know and we will endeavour to get you a hard copy.

Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 21/1/2021

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