Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice – Minutes
General Meeting – Monday 3 April 2023, 7pm Huskisson Community Centre
Chair: Jo Warren
Attendance: Maureen Noonan, Penny Davidson, Tony Lim, Joanne Warren, Carol Blake, Mark Wareham
- Acknowledgement of Traditional owners Chair acknowledged traditional owners and elders past and present.
- Welcome and apologies:
Apologies: Jan Bruck, Rachel Marsden, Evan Christen, Margot Curtis, Roger Hart, Tim Peach, Walter Salmon, Leslie Lockwood., - Previous Minutes:
Moved by Moved by Maureen Noonan Seconded by Jo Warren that Minutes from the meeting 6 February 2023 be accepted.
Motion passed. - Business arising
a. Cleanliness of Owen St – meeting noted again that biggest problem seems to be litter from the takeaway food shops which isn’t put in bins and is blown around. Also litter in carpark. Chamber of Commerce is concerned about the cleanliness of bin surrounds and cleanliness of paths and would like them gurneyed.Write letter to Council thanking for new bins, asking what their cleaning schedule is of the street, have they noticed increased rubbish, aware that as foot traffic increases litter is also likely to increase, is there anything that Voice might be able to do to assist in promoting litter free Huskisson?
b. Fauna sensitive roads – held over.
c. Voice has made submissions on CCB guidelines, Community engagement strategy and 45 degree review.
d. Read Council response to Voice letter re dog signage. - Treasurer’s report:
See end of minutes.
Balance: $1491.55
Thank you to Mark Wareham for his donation.
Moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted
Carol Blake, seconded Tony Lim. - Outstanding correspondence:
a.Positions vacant on Community Centre committee. - Walk through Huskisson with James Ruprai and Carey McIntyre 17th March – the directors met most of the Voice committee for 30min and walked through part of Huskisson discussing walkability, proximity of parking options, and opportunity for development that focuses on liveability. They saw the confusion caused by the cinema intersection, apparently an option of partments/shops on the edges of the bottle-shop carpark have been proposed. The community emphasised the desire to input into the problems to come up with creative solutions. And the need to do thorough audits before decision making.
- Joint CCB meeting 20th March Carol reported on the joint CCB meeting held at Tomerong Hall in response to the draft CCB Policy, and draft Community Engagement Strategy. The attendees (13 CCBs) agreed to reject / call for substantive changes to these documents. A letter to that effect has been sent to the CEO, and Council has responded wanting to meet and work with the CCBS. Meeting date unknown.
- Edendale St update – held over
- General Business
a. Clash between dog off leash and events: Mark Wareham indicated that the clash might have occurred between one of the fitness centres and dogs off leash. Action: to try to find date of event that clash occurred, and follow up in person with the agency / organisation.
Meeting closed at 8:05pm.
Next meeting: 7:00pm Monday 29 May 2023 at the
PO Box 65,
NSW 2540
Tel: 0419 483 297
Huskisson Community Centre.