Motion to include character statements in LEPs

For some time the Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice has been requesting that Council include a character overlay or character statements in the Local Environment Plan.

Sanctuary Point Community Champions has been working with Councillor Evan Christen to prepare a motion to this end to be discussed Monday 14th November 2022. The recommendations in the motion are:

That Council
1. Discuss and consider this critical community issue as part of the special Strategic
Planning Working Party meeting that has been scheduled for 26 November 2022.
2. Receive a report back as soon as possible following the Working Party meeting on the
immediate steps that can be taken to strengthen the important recognition and
consideration of character in Councils key planning instruments (Local Environmental
Plan and Development Control Plan); and,
3. Request that the report in Recommendation 2., include: setting of time frames to expedite this critical work; resulting potential resourcing implications; and options for consideration in this regard.

Bruce Goldsmith (from Sanctuary Point Community Champions) will do a deputation for the motion, and will indicate that the Huskisson Woollamia Community endorses the motion.

You might consider attending the Council meeting (starting at  5.30pm) 14th November to show your support,
Full motion is here.

Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 12/11/22
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