Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice – Minutes General Meeting – Monday 8 February 2021, 7pm Huskisson Community Centre
Chair: Tony Lim
Attendance: 13
1. Acknowledgement of Traditional owners
Chair acknowledged traditional owners and elders past and present.
2. Welcome and apologies:
Chair Tony Lim accepted apologies.
Apologies: Jason André, Peter Dooley, Jan Bruck, Shirley Fitzgerald, Tim Peach, Janet Boardman, Roger Hart, Margot Curtis, Steve Murphy.
3. Previous Minutes:
Moved Jo Warren Seconded Mark Wareham that Minutes from the meeting 9 November 2021 be accepted. Motion passed.
PO Box 65, Huskisson, NSW 2540 Tel: 0419 483 297
4. Business arising
a Telstra infrastructure: Telstra have said they will decide in 2021 whether maintenance will be done.
b Special event calendar for area has been posted on Noticeboard.
c 45 degree rule – only one CCB indicated support for a review, and a couple of individuals. Judy Hamilton indicated the biggest issue is lack of monitoring. Mel indicated that most local Councils have canopy mapping software e.g. NearMap.
Action: Voice writes to Council to ask about the Compensatory tree program (see Judy’s information) and its progress; and ask whether Council monitors the existing tree canopy of the Shoalhaven.
Moved: Nigel Marsden, 2nd: Sue Smith.
5. Treasurer’s report
Nigel read Treasurer’s report that:
Opening Balance: $27,266.23
$350 – Dog tidy bags
$13.00 – Hall hire
$46.00 Fair Trading
Income: $125 Elite Energy
$350 Dog tidy donation – Danny Payne
Closing Balance: $27,331.23
Noted: $25,000 is held over as part of CBB Partnerships grant, and $530.04 has been set aside for Vision Project.
6. Correspondence /Outstanding Correspondence
All correspondence has been covered in Email updates. Summary was circulated.
7. Woollamia reserve
Background – some community members concerned about vehicle use of reserve and erosion on creek bed. After talks with Council officer they advised most efficient process to consider this issue would be to ask Council to review previous decision in keeping reserve open to traffic.
Mel: mostly only used by locals
Maureen: now more use by visitors mostly with 4WD vehicles, erosion getting deeper, people camping, worried about children on reserve. Suggests closing off to cars. Julie: walks there frequently, never seen too many vehicles or camping, only small boats. Feels there is a problem with rubbish being stored on crown land.
Action: as there are conflicting opinions and a need for more data / evidence the Voice asks concerned residents to collect information on vehicle usage, boat usage. Additionally – all members please complete NSW Waterways survey and indicate any concerns you have with the creek / bay or other water way.
8. Bay and Basin Community Led Strategic Plan J-
First survey has been completed. Findings were included in a previous Email update. Second survey will soon be available for residents to complete. This survey seeks to confirm and prioritorise the issues raised in the first survey. Please complete, and ask everyone you know to complete.
When available links will be put in Email update, and Facebook.
9. Feedback on rubbish over holidays.
Motion: to write to Council acknowledging the extra effort in rubbish collection over the holidays, and that nearly ‘on top of it’, but some bins overflowing at day’s end. Given the influx of visitors at holiday periods is unlikely to decrease can Council please consider some strategies to add another pick up from bins. Moved: Evan Christen, 2nd: Sue Smith.
10. Jet skis in Jervis Bay and Currambene Creek
There was a high level of concern in the meeting regarding jet skis. Other organisations concerned: Jervis Bay Dive Club, Woollamia Boat committee, JB Tourism.
Action: Nigel Marsden to lead a working group which might pull together other concerned organisations, and develop a strategy to remove jet skis from Jervis Bay.
11. West Culburra new subdivision proposal Motion: Voice does not write an objection as it is outside our area, but will circulate and provide links for others to respond to the proposal.
Moved: Lesley Lockwood, 2nd: Sue Smith.
12. Member traffic concerns.
After discussion it was clear that various traffic plans had been drawn for Huskisson/Woollamia with various revisions.
Action: Ask Council to forward us the plan for future traffic management in Huskisson so we can review. Moved: Jo Warren, 2nd Mark Wareham.
13. Berry Forum
Berry Forum has written a proactive letter to Council pointing out importance of community input, and asks other CCBs to also write to Council stating the same.
Motion: Voice writes to Council supporting Berry Forum view, and reflect on our experience which indicates current time is inadequate and would like it doubled. Moved: Eddie Smith, 2nd Jo Warren.
(Mel pointed out State grants to LGAs linked to DA turnover; also Clr Wells motion was revised to a call for a review of DA Tracking and he supports an information day explaining the DA process and DCPs.)
14. Triathlon 26-28 Feb – Tony Lim is acting as liaison between Voice and organisers. Please forward concerns to Tony. Issues raised at the meeting:
ensure road traffic controllers are qualified
cable ties on street after event.
15. 44 Duncan St flyer – NSW Architects Registration Board have not found inappropriate behaviour from Warren Designs, but are following up his promotion of ‘architectural services’ and that he touts experience in multi-residential development.
16. Hospital. Note that if anyone is concerned about the hospital location they may wish to join or follow up with Shoalhaven Action Hospital Group.
17. Suggestions for speakers at Voice meetings:
Mussel Farm update
Marine Parks
Council planning staff (esp to explain the LEP)
Traffic planners
any other ideas please let us know.
18. General Business
Terry O’Connor – Woollamia Boat ramp Committee ‘Cars only’ now have to use new carpark, Ranger will be booking if parked in wrong spot.
Big demand for boat washdown and only have 1 area, but the back area would be suitable for 4 washdown spaces. Committee has found out Council plans to barricade thisarea to put commercial facilities. Committee opposes this. Oppose glass there, hope to eventually make alcohol free Will be requesting dinghy racks
Will be requesting that both sides of Frank Lewis Way are slashed for overflow parking
Will ask for a footpath on one side of Frank Lewis Way. Concerned about speed on Woollamia Rd
Action: Woollamia Boat ramp Committee will provide the Voice with updates, and copies of submissions to Council where they would like Voice support
Voice to write to Council requesting a lowering of speed limit on Woollamia Rd – not just an industrial area – café, gyms, breweries, art gallery. On what grounds do they refuse to lower speed limit? Moved: Mel McManus; 2nd Nigel Marsden
Meeting closed at 8:30pm.
Next meeting: 7:00pm Monday 29th March 2021 at the Huskisson Community Centre.
Summary of Actions from meeting:
Review special event program and update noticeboard
Voice writes to Council to ask about the Compensatory tree program (see Judy’s information) and its progress; and ask whether Council monitors the existing tree canopy of the Shoalhaven.
Promote waterways survey.
Publish links and information about the second
survey for the Bay and Basin Community led strategic plan
Write to Council acknowledging the extra effort in rubbish collection over the holidays, and that nearly ‘on top of it’, but some bins overflowing at day’s end. Given the influx of visitors at holiday periods is unlikely to decrease can Council please consider some strategies to add another pick up from bins.
Establish a Jet Ski working group – led by Nigel Marsden
Circulate links and information about the West Culburra subdivision proposal.
Ask Council to forward us plan for future traffic management in Huskisson so we can review.
Voice writes to Council supporting Berry Forum view; our experience indicates current time is inadequate and would like it doubled
Please forward concerns /matters regarding the February triathlon to Tony to raise with the organisers.
Voice to write to Council requesting a lowering of speed limit on Woollamia Rd – not just an industrial area – café, gyms, breweries, art gallery. On what grounds do they refuse to lower speed limit?
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 23/8/2021