We want to let you know of a special event: the Huskisson RFS will give advice on preparing your home and yard against fire and bushfire risk for Huskisson and Woollamia residents on Monday 16th November, 7 pm to 8 pm. This will be held at the Huskisson Community Centre, corner of Dent St, Huskisson.
All welcome
To make sure we have appropriate seating please RSVP if you’re intending to come.
ask for a paper copy of the survey (exec@hwcv.org.au, 0408672087), you may see us on Owen Street with the survey forms available.
We asked the Councillors who had voted to replace Evan Christen on the Coastal Advisory Committee what the reason for their decision was. Their reasons ranged from: (1) bound by confidentiality not to say, (2) to give the committee a broader community base, (3) he knows the alternate who will greatly assist the work, and (4) considered the balance of the group would be enhanced. Three councillors did not respond. We are yet to follow up on this.
A reminder we have our November General meeting this coming Monday 9th (tomorrow), starting at 7 pm.
- Acknowledgement of traditional owners
- Welcome, introduction and apologies
- Minutes of 12 October 2020 General Meeting
- Business arising from Minutes
- Telstra infrastructure
- Response re removal of Evan Christen from Coastal Advisory Committee
- Response from Tourism
- 45 degree ruling
- Still to do
- Treasurer’s Report
- Outstanding Correspondence
- Bay and Basin Strategic Plan
- Other General Business
- Request for immediate action on Bowen and Currambene Sts corner
- RFS presentation on 16th Nov
- Other …
Look forward to seeing you soon,
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 8/11/2020