Here is a quick update regarding matters that have come up since our last email update (24 October), and information that has been sent through to us from Council.
Update from last meeting
Bay and Basin Community Led Strategic Plan
This project is now collecting the thoughts and ideas from community and visitors. You can add your views by filling in an on-line survey by follow this link
- OR
ask for a paper copy of the survey (, 0408672087), you may see us on Owen Street with the survey forms available. - We asked the Councillors who had voted to replace Evan Christen on the Coastal Advisory Committee what the reason for their decision was. Their reasons ranged from: (1) bound by confidentiality not to say, (2) to give the committee a broader community base, (3) he knows the alternate who will greatly assist the work, and (4) considered the balance of the group would be enhanced. Three councillors did not respond. We are yet to follow up on this.
- Shoalhaven Tourism rang and wrote us an email responding to our questions about special events and tourism management, their response.
SCC Planning documents for comment
The State planning department has prepared a draft Social Impact Assessment Guideline 2020 (the draft SIA Guideline), and are now seeking feedback.
The new draft Guideline will inform how social impact assessment will be undertaken for all state significant projects including State significant development, State significant infrastructure and Critical State significant infrastructure projects.
The draft Social Impact Assessment Guideline is on exhibition, for four weeks, until 27 November 2020.
Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia
- DS20/1519, Change of Building Use from Mechanical Workshop to Artisan Food & Drink Industry – S4.55 Alterations To Existing Consent – Carparking, Outdoor Seating, Condition 48, Internal Changes, 3 Duranbah Dr, Huskisson
- DA20/2144, Commercial Additions – Alterations & additions to existing amenities building, Submitted: 02/11/2020, Currambene St, Huskisson
- CD20/1599, Demolition (Removal) of In Ground Swimming Pool
Submitted: 04/11/2020, 41 Owen St, Huskisson
- DA20/1738, Detached Habitable Room, Spa Pool & Demolish Existing Shed, $65,000.00, WOOLLAMIA, 16-Oct-20, 336 Woollamia Rd WOOLLAMIA, Approved
Click here to access SCC’s DA Tracking
- About magazine – Jan-Feb 2021 edition cutoff is 25 November 2020, and the March 2021 cutoff is 3rd Feb 2021.
- Transport for NSW Maritime maintains a program to help boaters dispose of expired marine flares, with mobile collections set up across NSW. The Expired Marine Flares Collection Program for the 2020-2021 boating season is on again in November 2020, January and April 2021. Dates and collection locations. Further information.
- The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) is a not-for-profit organisation that harnesses the power of collective investment between government, business, and philanthropy, to improve the lives of those living in rural, regional and remote Australia.
Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) Round 7 has $490,000 available through the Small and Vital Stream and a further $650,000 available in the Bushfire Recovery Stream. Applications close 5 pm 24 November 2020. Information here. - Federal member speeches and updates
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 6/11/2020