HWCV General meeting – 12 October, 7pm, Huskisson Community Centre, Dent St, Huskisson.
HWCV AGM – 12 October, 8pm (following the General meeting), Huskisson Community Centre, Dent St, Huskisson.
Light supper afterwards.
Nominate for the HWCV committee.
Here is a quick update regarding matters that have come up since our last email update (18 September), and information that has been sent through to us from Council.
Update from last meeting
- The Shoalhaven Strategic Land-Use Planning Statement has been finalised and can be viewed here.
- Matters arising from the 2019 Community Consultation have been forwarded to relevant Council staff by the District Engineer, Phil Critchley, for follow up.
- Council held an online CCB Executive / Council meeting (usually 2 held each year) on 15 September 2020. Notes and recording of the meeting can be found here. The CEO, Stephen Dunshea, outlined the restructure process that is currently occurring in Council, and Jane Lewis (Acting Director City Lifestyles) and Kevin Voegt (Acting Director City Performance) gave an update from their sections.
- Michelle Green, Tourism Project Manager, sent an update on the Sustainable Tourism Projects. Note you can find a link to comment on parking at Hyams Beach below.
SCC Planning documents for comment
- Opportunity still exists to comment on the existing Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan to ensure that the next version is even better (until 9 October).
- Comment on the Hyams Beach short and long term parking options.
- Other SCC planning open for comment:
- Berry Showground
- Community development grant program review
- Conjola Park Master Plan
- Marriott Park upgrades
- Boongaree (Previously Berry District Park)
- Other documents on exhibition
- Planning proposal – Moss Vale Road South
- Reclassification of land, Sanctuary Point
Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia
- DA20/2009, Commercial Additions – Extension To Existing & New Commercial Building, Submitted: 30/09/2020, 12 Erina Rd, HUSKISSON
- CD20/1513, Description: Demolition of Dwelling & Outbuildings, Submitted: 28/09/2020, Approved on 16/09/2020, 15 Fegen St, HUSKISSON, Complying Development
- CD20/1515, Description: Demolition of Dwelling & Outbuildings, Submitted: 28/09/2020, Approved on 16/09/2020, 17 Fegen St, HUSKISSON, Complying Development
- DA20/1617, Replace Underground Tanks & Bowsers, Tomerong St, HUSKISSON, Approved
- DA20/1863, Change of use – units 3 & 4 to shellfish processing, 6 Bolten Rd HUSKISSON, Approved
- DA19/1572, Detached Shed for Boat Repair & Storage Facility plus Installation of Two (2) Storage Containers, Streamside St WOOLLAMIA, Approved
- DA20/1684, Detached Shed, 408 Woollamia Rd, WOOLLAMIA, Approved,
Click here to access SCC’s DA Tracking
- 2ST / Power FM welcomes new journalist Katrina Condie, who hails from Lake Conjola. Welcome Katrina!
- About Magazine deadline for the November edition is 7 October (today), and deadline for the December edition will be 4 November 2020.
- Federal member update
- Elite Energy is looking for volunteers for the Huskisson Triathlon, Sat 31 October, click here to register.
- Services NSW are visiting the following Shoalhaven towns in October 2020.
- Sanctuary Point
- Where: The Country Club, Links Ave
- When: Thursday, 8 October 2020
- Time: 10:00am to 3:00 pm
- Sussex Inlet
- Where: Sussex Inlet Neighbourhood Information Centre
- Corner Jacobs Drive & Neilson St
- When: Friday, 9 October 2020
- Time: 9:00am to 12:00pm
- At these service Centres you can apply for a licence, get a permit, register a birth, pay most fines and more.
- Sanctuary Point
See you at the HWCV meeting 12 October!
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 7/10/2020