General Meeting – Monday 6 February 2023, 7pm
Huskisson Community Centre
Chair: Jo Warren
Attendance: Maureen Noonan, Penny Davidson, Sue Willis, Tony Lim, Rachel Marsden, Joanne Warren, Billie Vlies, Margot Curtis, Roger Hart, Julia Mitchell, Nicki Mortimer, Bill Vlies, Peter Gunderlach, Leslie Lockwood.
- Acknowledgement of Traditional owners
- Chair acknowledged traditional owners and elders past and present.
- Welcome and apologies:
- Chair, Rachel Marsden accepted apologies.
- Apologies: Jan Bruck, Evan Christen, Carol Blake, Clr Paul Ell, Mark Wareham, Tim Peach, Walter Salmon
- Previous Minutes:
- Moved by Tony Lim, Seconded by Maureen Noonan that Minutes from the meeting 21 November 2022 be accepted.
- Motion passed.
- Business arising
- Woollamia Road – Walter was absent. But the Voice had recently reported damage to road signs on Woollamia Road. Meeting noted that the signs had been reinstated, and most of the white posts replaced. Voice to send a thank you to Council
- Beach access: letter has not yet been written to council, but meeting noted that the steps have been repaired, and there is other work in progress. No action required.
- Protection of old trees: no action undertaken to date. See item 6d.
- Fauna sensitive roads – Rachel waiting for a response from Clr Ell. She will chase up.Still waiting for answers to our questions post meeting with Mayor and staff.Voice to chase up.
- Treasurer’s report:
- Download Report
- Balance: $1,350.55
- Moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted Sue Willis, seconded Leslie Lockwood..
- Correspondence /Outstanding Correspondence
- Received complaint from Paul Sutton that Huskisson has not been cleaned twice per day over the holidays as agreed to by Council. Meeting noted that bins have not been overflowing but there has been takeaway rubbish in the carpark and blowing in the street. To ensure we explain the issue correctly:
- Voice to talk to Danny
- All to monitor over the triathlon and EasterWrite to Council thanking for their hard work.
- Received notification of the Triathlon 25-26th Feb. Noted that households in Edendale St, Sunnyside St, Allora Close, Jervis St, Woollamia Rd had not received notification. Noted that Elite Energy encouraged any participant bad behaviour to be reported to them – each individual will be wearing a number – on helmet and bike for cyclists. Voice to write to Elite Energy re streets without notices, thanking for early notices and to please ensure that traffic management have the appropriate training.
- Noted for those interested that the Better Planning Network has its AGM 25th Feb 2023
- Council has released a revision of the 45 Degree Tree policy.
- At current stage action required is for Voice, and all interested individuals to send in a comment on the 45 degree revision. Due by 31 March. Note that RU zones are not covered by this rule – clearing in these areas is State controlled.
- CCB guidelines review – comment due 6th March. Council indicating that CCBs need to have public liability insurance to meet in a council facility. Voice does not hold insurance. Many CCBs concerned. Voice, and any interested individuals to make a submission. Billie, and Rachel to help with Voice submission. Comments welcome.
- Penny – prepare update on insurance to Voice.
- Draft Community engagement strategy for comments – due 15th March
- Jo Warren to help with Voice submission. Comments welcome.
- Heritage Report
- Waiting for outcome of the Section 10 application – which would give permanent protection of the old church site based on significant Aboriginal place. There will be a rally at the church corner on the mornings of the first Saturday of each month.
- Action: Voice to write to Council indicating concern about the condition of the church, paling fence falling down, scaffolding impinging on public land. Request a reply.
- Candidate forum
- Meet the State election candidates to be held 14th March, Huskisson Bowling Club, 5.45 for a 6pm start.
- Entertainment centre program – for viewing or taking
- General Business
- Concreting our Coast: Cate Faehrmann has collected information about zombie Das and clearing of unburnt forest along the NSW coast. Published in a report ‘Concreting our Coast’
- Photos of gang gang cockatoos and the campaign at Moona Moona Creek led by Sue Tolley and Our Future Shoalhaven – grassroots activism which resulted in successful breeding of two gang gang cockatoos. Thank you to Sue and her ‘gang’
- Signage regarding dogs on beaches – the letters of times in in tiny writing; better if worded that it is an on-leash beach, except at the appropriate times. Needs to be at all entrances.Action: Voice to write to Council with above concerns – signage not clear.
- Events on beach in dog walking times – holding events on beach during dog walking times will likely lead to a conflict between participant and dog. Voice to write to Elite Energy – query times they run on beach, and concern about safety.
- Edendale St – clearing has occurred last year, now digging up verge (Lynch Contractors) and have large pipes ready to instal on northern side of bridge. Community have not been informed. Do know that there is no approval for dwellings. Consider that the developer is undertaking works before given final approval.Voice to contact Ward 2 councillors to ask if they can find out what is happening – as community has tried to get information from Council to no avail. Margot and Roger will help write letter.
Meeting closed at 8:15pm.
Next meeting: 7:00pm Monday 3rd April 2023 at the Huskisson Community Centre.
PO Box 65,
NSW 2540
Tel: 0419 483 297