Good afternoon CCB’s,
This email is to advise Council will be undertaking a 3 month trial period for a new vehicle-mounted licence plate recognition camera. This system is aimed at identifying illegally parked vehicles.
The new technology will allow Ranger Services to patrol 30 times more area by vehicle than they are currently able to achieve on foot. It is envisaged the trial will support vehicle turnover within the Shoalhaven and will therefore help promote patronage and support local businesses. Furthermore, it will sustain equal access to public spaces for residents and visitors during our busy holiday period.
The trial of the new technology will take place in the Berry, Nowra, Huskisson, Milton, Ulladulla and Hyams Beach. These are recognised as areas where identified safety risks exist and vehicle turnover is needed.
The licence plate recognition technology uses a vehicle-mounted camera to take pictures of cars with GPS location and timestamping to determine whether they have overstayed their parking limit or have parked illegally. The ranger vehicle will be marked up with clear signs to identify it as a camera parking vehicle.
The trial is set to run from 17 December 2022 until 10 March 2023. This will capture the upcoming busy holiday period and will include the beginning of first term for schools. Schools present a vehicle safety hazard for pedestrians and it is very important to ensure drop off areas maintain clear lines of sight for motorists.
Penalty notices issued using the new technology will be sent to the registered owner using the Revenue NSW – Print and Post mailout system.
A report on the effectiveness of the trial will be presented to Council in 2023.
I trust this information will be disseminated amongst all members of your committee for their information.