Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice – update

Here is a quick update regarding matters that we referred to in the 22 May email, and information that has been sent through since:

Update since last email

  • Joylands Carnival has resubmitted their development application and indicated that the extra time they have requested will be used to set up and close down only. We sent an email asking you whether your preference was for the carnival to stay in Huskisson or move to another location and the majority of response were to keep the carnival in Huskisson. If you made a submission to council regarding the carnival and their DA prior to 3 June, and you still want your points to be considered then unfortunately you will have to resubmit your comments (prior to 17 June). Eleven people emailed us regarding the carnival: 3 would like it moved, 6 would like it to stay and 2 didn’t have a strong opinion either way. No one argued for the time of operation to increase (and it won’t be).
  • 44 Duncan St approval of 17 units. In an effort to understand how Shoalhaven planning allows this level of development the Voice met with the Council planners. Our notes from this meeting are here. We have a few more questions to ask Council and the Department of Planning. We will also begin thinking about how we can change the LEP.
  • Comment is still open on the development application DA20/1453 for motel and apartments at Moona Moona Creek. Comments to be in by 3 July.
  • The Coastal Management Program Scoping Study has been finalised and goes to the Council meeting on 9 June to be accepted.

SCC Planning documents for comment

  • The Council is seeking feedback on the design of a new District Library for the Bay and Basin area in Sanctuary Point.
    Feed-back can be provided by completing the Questionnaire on the Get Involved webpage by 5 pm, Friday 26 June 2020.
  • The Council is “seeking feedback on the Draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget 2020/21 which includes Council’s proposed Fees and Charges. The draft Plan outlines how Council is working towards achieving the community’s aspirations and long-term vision for our City. … Council is committed to delivering valuable infrastructure and services to the community in 2020/21. We have proposed to invest $120 million in an ambitious capital works program including play equipment, footpaths, roads, car parks, bridges, boating and sports field amenities.” Feedback required by 24 June 2020.
  • Feedback here 

Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia

  • CD20/1233, 7 Erina Rd Huskisson, Commercial Additions – Awning, Submitted 25 May 2020. Complying development. Approved.
  • DS20/1258, 235 Huskisson Rd, Huskisson,  Delete condition 42, 43 & 44. 6 Lot Industrial Subdivision. Section 96 amendment. Submitted 3 June 2020.
  • DA20/1453 for motel and apartments at Moona Moona Creek. Comments to be in by 3 July

Click here to access SCC’s DA Tracking

Events/ Other
  • You may remember the Council employed a consultant to assess the character of Shoalhaven towns and villages. This was in response to the state government plan to require a character overlay on the planning zones. We contacted the planning department asking for an update and were told that ‘resources within the Department have been redirected to accelerate the assessment and determination of projects that inject investment into the NSW economy’ and therefore the character overlay project will be delayed.
  • Crown land managers and community groups that use Crown land are invited to apply for a share of $14 million in grants under the NSW Government’s Crown Reserves Improvement Fund to upgrade and maintain community facilities and reserves across NSW.  Applications are now open until July 10, 2020. The Fund supports maintenance and improvements to public reserves that provide green open recreational space and help protect our environmental diversity. It also maintains and upgrades facilities on Crown land that are used by organisations at the heart of our communities, like surf lifesaving clubs, the PCYC, Rural Fire Service and SES to name a few.  For further information on the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund and details on how to apply visit:
  • Community Building Partnership grants close 12 June 2020.
  • Round 6 Litter Grants close 28 July
  • Recovery newsletters
  • Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster ArrangementsSummary of grants allocated to the South Coast

Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 06/06/2020

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