Our next meeting will be Monday 19th August (we meet bi-monthly and try to avoid public holidays etc), 7pm.
There are a few events coming up which look either fascinating or very useful:
Tomerong Community Forum’s next meeting, 13th August, will have a presentation from TfNSW. HWCV members are welcome to attend to observe the presentation. Tomerong Hall, 7pm. Draft Agenda.
We have also received a community update on the highway upgrade from TfNSW – see attached.
Meet the Candidates – 6.00pm 14th August – meet your local candidates in the forthcoming local council election (14th September) at the Jervis Bay Brewing Co – Duranbah Drive!
Coming up on Sunday 18th August is a public talk on the importance of sound to marine life
Preparing for Bird flu impacts – webinar August 26th 12.00 midday – Deadly bird flu has been found to spread between mammals, raising risk to Australian sea lions, seals and dolphins. Mammals can become infected through contact with live or dead infected animals, or contaminated environments.
Updates from last meeting
- Woollamia residents have frequently raised concerns about the speed limits around Woollamia and they are very happy to have TfNSW take notice and make changes (the speeds on other roads have also changed)
More information

Council is seeking to confirm the ‘boundaries’ of each CCB. Currently we believe that the boundary for the Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice is the same boundary that exists for Huskisson and Woollamia – as below

if you believe the boundary is different to this please let us know (reply via email).
Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia
- DA24/1589 Multi dwelling house consisting of three (3)dwelling – changes to approved dwelling, 737 Woollamia Rd, Woollamia.
- MA24/1260, Modification to approved development including minor external changes 7 Jervis St, Huskisson
Link to Documents on Exhibition
Events / Other
- Bundanon newsletter
- Marine Estate May Newsletter
- Get involved with the Escape ARTfest in 11-13 October
- Maritime Museum newsletter – link to what’s on
- Deadline for next About magazine edition is 4th September 2024
All contributions related to Articles and Community News should be sent to: editor@aboutbayandbasin.com.auAll Advertising related correspondence should be sent to: ads@aboutbayandbasin.com.au - Shoalhaven First Nations Film Festival 20-22 September, Huskisson. More information.
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 6/7/2024