General Meeting – Monday 21 November 2022, 7pm
Huskisson Community Centre
Chair: Rachel Marsden
Attendance: Maureen Noonan, Tim Peach, Mark Wareham, Penny Davidson, Sandra Eckersley, Chris Stubbs, Walter Salmon, Sue Willis, Tony Lim, Rachel Marsden, Mayor Amanda Findley
- Acknowledgement of Traditional owners
- Chair acknowledged traditional owners and elders past and present.
- Welcome and apologies:
- Chair, Rachel Marsden accepted apologies.
- Apologies: Jan Bruck, Evan Christen. Joanne Warren, Billie Vlies, Margot Curtis, Roger Hart, Barbara Hermann, Carol Blake
- Previous Minutes:
- Moved by Tim Peach, Seconded by Mark Wareham that Minutes from the meeting 17 October 2022 be accepted.
- Motion passed.
- Business arising
- Woollamia Road – Walter reported that the recent increase to public buses has meant that 23 bus movements now travel on Woollamia Road, sometimes a bendy bus. He has talked to TfNSW and they indicated that community consultation had been undertaken. The buses have also been noted to travel what appears to be over the speed limit through the village.
- As the community has been asking for better public transport the meeting did not want to make a criticism that sounds as if the community doesn’t want public transport. Noted that it will take a while for people to realise they have public transport options and utilise it to a greater extent. Motion: Voice writes a letter of congratulations to the bus company(ies) indicating that we are very pleased with the increased service and more and confident that more and more residents will use the service, look forward to its continuation and the opportunity to participate in any feedback program.
Moved: Penny Davidson, Seconded Tim Peach - Beach access – letter to council still to do;
- Protection of old trees – liaison with other groups still to do, and will need to take into consideration recent motions in Council.
- Fauna Sensitive roads. Voices liaised with Our Future Shoalhaven (OFS). OFS has written to Clr Paul Ell who will write to TfNSW asking what fauna safety features will be included in the highway upgrade.
- Follow up from meeting with Mayor – letter has been written to James Ruprai. Only recently sent so no response.
- Treasurer’s report:
- Download Report
- Balance: $1416.77
- Thank you to Mark Wareham for his donation, and Tony for organising the dog tidy bags.
- Moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted Tim Peach, seconded Mark Wareham.
- Correspondence /Outstanding Correspondence
- Summary of flood concerns identified at a meeting between Woollamia residents and Council staff
- HWCV submission on the Council Sustainability and Climate Change policy
- HWCV submission on the Open Water and Jervis Bay Coastal Management Plan (CMP). Consultation has closed. Received response from 540 participants
- Museum exhibition opening for The Halloran Contemporary Art Prize, and Peter Sharp: Accidental Tourist on Friday 2nd Dec, 4pm. Final days of Randall Cinnamon’s exhibition.
- Query on community involvement in use of 59 Owen St, Council responded that the land is Community Land, General Community Use. A draft management plan will be available for public comment early 2023. Query whether the sports oval might have been a better site.
- Following review of the CMP Penny had a discussion with a Marine Parks manager about ecological impacts of beach nourishment. Very little research has been done, but clear that there are impacts on the ‘infauna’. A copy of the discussion (which was emailed by the Marine Parks Manager) has been sent to the Council Central Coastal Management Committee.
- The local Marine Parks have also clarified the approach to managing beach erosion.
- Use of 59 Owen St for events – covered in Outstanding Correspondence
- Topics/ projects for 2023: guest speakers, concerns, projects?
- Concern over large number of events, and events which fence off public land (and public toilets), and which are adjacent to nesting shore birds. Invite Tourism / Event management to a Voice meeting for information and discussion
- Mayor suggested asking for Plan of Management for White Sands, and whether its due for review, is there a limit on events?Concern over noise from pub. Advised to keep a diary of noise events, and seek information on the conditions that the venue needs to follow.
- General Business
- Huskisson Heritage Association: Council will expedite getting the site Heritage listed on the LEP, and they support the JLALC to stop the scraping.
- A very successful rally was held at the site on Saturday 12th Nov with about 150 people, led by Indigenous Elders. Mayor and other Councillors spoke. There was concern that the owner might scrape on the Monday but the Federal Government put a 30 day Protection Order on the site which proves ‘the significance of the site, and the imminent risk of harm’. It is anticipated that the protection order will be extended.
- Mayor Amanda Findley: Noted that there will be a State election in March 2023. Asked the Voice to consider get together with other CCBs / groups to organise a ‘meet the candidates’ evening/session. Motion to endorse and undertake such an event. Moved: Tim Peach, seconded Tony Lim.
Meeting closed at 8:10pm.
Next meeting: 7:00pm Monday 6th February 2023 at the Huskisson Community Centre.
PO Box 65,
NSW 2540
Tel: 0419 483 297