Please note we have changed the Voice meeting dates because Council has changed their meeting times and we wanted to allow community to attend council meetings, and councillors to attend our meetings.
The new meeting dates are:
- Monday 4th April – no change
- Monday 30th May
- Monday 1st August
- Monday 17th October – general meeting and AGM
- Monday 21st November
Clean up Australia day 10 to 11, Huskisson Beach near the spider park
more information
Updates since last meeting
- Correspondence out:
-support for a comprehensive tree policy to Council
-request for a character overlay on the LEP for Huskisson-Woollamia, and an explicit desired future character statement – both prepared with the community
-comment on the proposed roundabout Owen and Sydney streets - Correspondence in:
-request from the Nurses and Midwives Association to meet with the community – meeting time to be announced
-extension for comment on 4 Murdoch St DA amendment until 31 March 2022
-Nigel Smith (SCC) -Open Coast & Jervis Bay CMP workshop yet to be announced.
SCC Planning documents for comment and information
- proposed amendments to LEP (key Shoalhaven planning document) – the Voice will endeavour to read and provide some suggested comments; similarly in order for our view to reflect yours feel free to send us your views for us to include and share. Link to further information PP062
The Planning Proposal (PP) seeks to amend the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 instrument to:
• Clause 4.1A:
– Apply a minimum parent lot size for multi dwelling housing, multi dwelling housing (terraces) and residential flat buildings in the B4 mixed Use zone.
– Provide clarification in subclause 4 surrounding the permissibility of resulting land uses post subdivision.
• Clause 4.1B – Clearly specify Torrens subdivision opportunities for dual occupancy development in the R3 Medium Density Residential zone.
• Insert a new Shoalhaven appropriate version of the NSW Government’s ‘model’ Natural Disaster clause to enable greater resilience following natural disaster events.
- Design and Place State Environmental Planning Policy – comment due 28th February.
It is a lot to digest, but in case you’re interested comments are still open for the State policy on design.
You might find guidelines for comment on the internet, one source is the Nature Conservation which sent me this email.
State SEPP link
Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia
- DA21/2095, Detached Garage, $25,920.00, 8-Feb-22, 8 Callala St, HUSKISSON, Approved
- DA21/2481, Single Storey Dwelling, $380,600.00, 10-Feb-22, 63 Moona Creek Rd, VINCENTIA, Approved
- DA21/2518, Demolition of Dwelling, $5,500.00, 9-Feb-22, 43 Willowford Rd, WOOLLAMIA, Approved
- DS22/1032, Section 4.55(2) application to modify Development Consent DA10/1377 (as modified) – To make amendments to the external footprints of the buildings, internal configuration changes to both apartment buildings, and increase the unit numbers from 32 dwellings to 38 dwellings comprising eight (8) three-bedroom units and 30 two-bedroom units. 4 Murdoch St, Huskisson
- DA22/1208, Detached garage and carport. 762 Woollamia Rd, Woollamia
Click here to access SCC’s DA Tracking
Events/ Other
- The Nowra NSW Nurses and Midwives Association is seeking a meeting with the community – details will be provided when a meeting is organised.
- Bundanon – Impulse Festival Sat 5th March, 2 pm – 9 pm, more information
- The Nowra magazine deadline: April edition copy is due 2nd March; May edition copy is due 6th April
- Triathlon road closure 26-27 February
- Cruise Ship update – although the Port Authority has recently indicated in the media that they are currently not seeking to put cruise ships in Jervis Bay they still support the development of a cruise ship policy for marine parks. The Jervis Bay Community CruiseShip Coalition continues to collect signatures on their Parliamentary Petition, and to lobby our ministers over concerns about cruise ships in Jervis Bay, and the draft marine park management plan as a whole. More information
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 25/02/2022