Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice – Minutes
General Meeting – Monday 9 August 2021, 7pm
Huskisson Community Centre
Chair: Nigel Marsden
Attendance: 12
- Acknowledgement of Traditional owners
Chair acknowledged traditional owners and elders past and present. - Welcome and apologies:
Chair Nigel Marsden accepted apologies.
Apologies: Walter Salmon, Jan Bruck, Evan Christen, Leslie Leith, Jason Andre, Sue Smith, Eddie Smith, Roger Hart, Tony Lim - Previous Minutes:
- Moved Tim Peach, Seconded Jo Warren that Minutes from the meeting 7 June 2021 be accepted with the amendment of adding Mark Wareham as an apology Motion passed.
- Business arising
- Huskisson Heritage Day – was a great day with about 200 people attending over the day. Vincentia High School performed at the start of the day at the Museum, Kerry Laws ran a photo competition which received lots of sponsorship from the village. The Museum also gave lots of support for the event.
- Noted – that Voice input into the DA review process has not been done
- Community would like a street tree plan to be developed, and to be included in the process. Voice to write to council requesting advice on how to get a street tree plan for Huskisson, and concern about the number of mature trees being removed to be replaced by young non-endemic plantings. Noted also that Hawke St should have been replanted by now.
- SAHSSI walk is still on with a COVID safe plan – people will need to check in and move on.
- Treasurer’s report:
- Opening Balance (7 June): $27,072.73
- Outgoings: $25,000.00 – payment to VRRA, CBB Partnership grant for shade at Plantation Point facilities b $120.62 – support for nurses, and printing for Heritage day
- Income: Nil
- Closing Balance: $1,952.00
- Moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted Tim Peach, seconded Maureen Noonan.
- Correspondence /Outstanding Correspondence
- Murray’s boardwalk to boat ramp is being upgraded
- We note with sympathy the passing of local resident Kay Boreham, sincere condolences to Conrad Boreham.
- Transport for NSW has said that 80km/h is appropriate on Woollamia Rd.
- Voice will write to TfNSW, cc Council, saying that feel this is unacceptable. In addition trucks are not obeying 3 ton limit, and traffic is often directed through Woolamia by Google maps. In email update request that residents write to TfNSW -provide contact details.
- Response to our request for update on parking and traffic plan for Huskisson is currently sitting with Phil Critchley for review.
- Member requests
- Tracking DA’s with private certifiers – Voice to write to clarify this and whether complying developments are available on DA Tracking
- Request for Better cleaning in Huskisson – write to Council requesting an understanding of cleaning regime, and improvement especially along roadsides
- Mow pathway to Woollamia and install bench – Voice to write requesting continued / enhanced maintenance, and advice on how to have a bench installed, noting offer of resident to build and install.
- Suggestion to enter clean beach awards.
- Cruise ships in Jervis Bay.
- Moved Penny Davidson, Seconded Nigel Marsden that HWCV formally recognises itself as part of the Jervis Bay Community Cruise Ship Coalition and accepts that the steering committee of such will act on our behalf; and provide regular updates to the Voice community and respond to our feedback.
Unanimous support.
There was also support to ask Tony Lim to represent the Voice on the JBCCC Steering Committee.
(Since this meeting the JBCCC Steering Committee has been formed with the leaders of 4 sub groups plus chair. Tony will set up and manage the Facebook).
- Moved Penny Davidson, Seconded Nigel Marsden that HWCV formally recognises itself as part of the Jervis Bay Community Cruise Ship Coalition and accepts that the steering committee of such will act on our behalf; and provide regular updates to the Voice community and respond to our feedback.
- 4 Murdoch St update
- A meeting between Keep Jervis Bay Unspoilt, and other community members with the developer Nik Bulum was held approximately 1 month ago. Went very well. Nik Bulum went away keen to modify the proposal. He has found that because he doesn’t want to put in a new DA that he can make only limited changes. KJBU is continuing to liaise with Nik, and to query council about the accuracy of flood risk given changes to Moona Moona bridge.
- Other Business
- The church site was sold 2nd July by the Anglican Church to Steven Bartlett, publican of Huskisson Hotel and HHA understand Steve’s partner is connected to the DOMA group in Canberra.
- Community expressed disappointed with the distribution of a disappointing and derogatory flyer authorised by Councillor Guile by flyer. Voice will write to Council CEO indicating disappointment and requesting that this be considered a breech of code of conduct.
- Pruning has been occurring in White Sands park which is leaving the vegetation edge unsightly. One member was told that the Council is trying to make views through the vegetation. If this rumour is true it is very disappointing as the community asked that the vegetation remain at the time of White Sands Park improvements. Voice to ask what is the plan for the White Sands Park vegetation.
Meeting closed at 8:05pm.
Next meeting: 7:00pm Monday 11th October 2021 at the Huskisson Community Centre.
This meeting will be followed by the AGM (approx. 8 pm)
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 23/8/2021