Here is update regarding events and Council matters.
Our next meeting is Monday 9th August, 7 pm, Huskisson Community Centre.
The meeting will follow COVID rules. Attendees will need to wear masks.
We are allowed up to 16 attendees (we don’t usually go over that).
Draft agenda includes an update on cruise ships in Jervis Bay, and an update on the development at 4 Murdoch St, near Moona Moona Creek.
Draft minutes from June 7th meeting.
Update since last email
- The Voice has joined other community groups on a fact finding mission regarding proposed cruise ships in Jervis Bay. We have been told that the Port Authority has halted external stakeholder consultation while the cruise ship ban is on. As more information comes to hand we will circulate.
- NOTE: the local government elections are now being held on Saturday 4th December 2021. Fingers crossed it happens this time – 3rd time lucky!
SCC Planning documents for comment
- Shoalhaven Community and Recreational Precinct – information and survey.
- Jervis Bay Coastal Management Program, and the broader Shoalhaven Coastal Management
Don’t forget to check Get Involved, and also Projects and Engagement, Documents on Exhibition, Events and Awards for other Council projects and information.
Recent Development Applications in Huskisson / Woollamia
- CD21/1492, Dwelling Additions,17 Waddell St, HUSKISSON, $10,300.00
- DA21/1794, Telecommunications facility comprising a 21m monopole & associated infrastructure, 335 Woollamia Rd, WOOLLAMIA, $56,414.00
- CD21/1488, Dwelling Alterations, 742 Woollamia Rd, WOOLLAMIA, $65,000.00.
- DS21/1217, S4.55 (1A) Modification to conditions 1 and 17, 11 Fegen St, Huskisson.
- DS21/1231, Boat repair and storage facility – construction of shed and installation of 2 storage containers. Streamside St, Woolamia. Section 96 Amendment.
Recent Development Applications Approved n Huskisson / Woollamia
- SF10770, Two Lot Subdivision, 5 Seasongood Rd WOOLLAMIA
- DA21/1702, Conversion of detached shed to habitable rooms, 777 Woollamia Rd WOOLLAMIA, Withdrawn
- SF10819, Proposed boundary adjustment between existing lot & approved proposed lot, 220 Pritchard Av, HUSKISSON, Approved
- DA21/1375, Two Storey Dwelling & Detached Habitable Room, 10 Sydney St HUSKISSON, Approved
- DA21/1135, Dwelling alterations, additions & in ground swimming pool, 43 Willowford Rd, WOOLLAMIA, Approved
- CD21/1488, Dwelling Alterations & Additions, 742 Woollamia Rd, WOOLLAMIA, Approved.
Click here to access SCC’s DA Tracking
- Meet the Ward 2 candidates in the forthcoming election event: JB Brewery, Wednesday 11th August, 5pm.
- Clifton Community Food Garden Monthly Fundraising stall, 3rd Saturday of every month, 10 am to 12 pm. 15 Clifton St, Sanctuary Point.
- Youth opportunity grants
- October edition of About Magazine deadline is 8th September.
- Census night on 10th August! Census information
Kind Regards,
Committee HWCV
Date: 5/8/2021