Shoalhaven City Council Facility Closures

The following Mobile Recovery Hubs scheduled for this week have been cancelled in response to the Federal and State Government’s latest health advice:

  • Lake Conjola Community Centre
  • Kangaroo Valley Drop-In Centre
  • Sussex Inlet Community Centre
  • Wandandian Progress Hall

Regularly updated bushfire recovery information is available online at or call Service NSW on 13 77 88.
Please also be aware that, Shoalhaven City Council’s Community Halls/Centres are now unavailable for use, to protect our community. For information on the centres that have been affected, visit Council’s online News Feed.
In addition, in order to protect our residents, Councillors and Staff, through social distancing in enclosed spaces, physical access to Council Meetings (Including Ordinary Meetings and Committees) held in our Council Chambers is not available to residents until further notice. All Council meetings are live streamed. Council encourages you to view the live streamed meetings on the website at
If you require any further information on how to access the live and archived meetings, the meeting agendas and Council decisions please visit Council’s website or contact the Council’s Governance Team on 4429 3111.

Kind regards,
Community Engagement
Shoalhaven City Council
Bridge Rd (PO Box 42) Nowra NSW 2541

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